Check Entries of the Document

11 Mar 2024

Now you can choose the number of uploaded documents you want to see on your VeriDoc Sign's Dashboard. On the top-right corner of the Dashboard, you can select the number of entries that ranges from 5 to 100 documents at once.

Entries are the number of the uploaded document listed on the Dashboard. Now you can easily see all the uploaded documents under a single list right in front of you. Now no need to search it line by line; you just have to click on the document you want to open. Plus, you can find and access any particular document easily whenever required. 
You can also customise the number of documents you want to see on the first page and adjust this number as per need. You can keep the most important documents and remove the unimportant ones from the dashboard. These features have been developed by the VeriDoc Sign to provide you with ease of access and save you time while finding the documents.